
The main motive is to maintain customer relationship, by keeping up the promises we make. Main focus will always be in after sale services. Every customer is important to us.


To reduce risk in an efficient & compliant manner while generating positive returns to customers, we ensure safety & transparency of operations & transactions.


What is niveshopedia?

A platform where people come & gain knowledge, regarding the products of their interests, Their hard earned money to  NIVESH. The need required as people are not aware about the current market areas to NIVESH, we are always at the front foot,  for those who are actually interested. 

Why niveshopedia?

Offering India’s best online  & mobile trading solutions. 

Why make the switch to niveshopedia ?

We can help you diversify your investment.

Take control of your money. We are niveshopedia, We help Indians take control  of their money and build a better life with free guidance.
We believe money can change your life for better.